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Was Trump’s Assassination Attempt an Inside Job?

Was Trump’s Assassination Attempt an Inside Job?

Was Trump’s Assassination Attempt an Inside Job?

Patrick J. McShay

“I don’t understand, and I don’t have any answers yet to help me understand how the Secret Service and DHS came out so quickly and said – and I think the FBI as well said he operated alone, How do you know that mere days into your investigation?”

— Republican Congressman Mike Waltz- A Combat-Decorated Green Beret

“Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our security services.”

— Robert Steele, Former CIA Officer

Investigative Journalist George Webb has been investigating the Trump assassination attempt since day one and has so far concluded that everything our government has told us is a lie. For some reason, Webb seems to be the only US journalist who has an interest in what really happened that day, meanwhile, the mainstream media liars have moved on to cheerleading for Kam and Tampon Tim’s dead campaign.

Lone gunman? Not according to the physical evidence or the expert testimony from an experienced PhD audio expert. Why was the shooter Crooks’s body cremated after only 10 days and before a 2nd autopsy or further examination could be done? Why did a team from the FBI clean the entire scene a day after the shooting?

Audio Expert: Two shooters firing different weapons from different locations

See these short videos from George Webb

A – 2 min – 6 min

The dead kid they have labeled as the lone gunman and the brains behind this operation is a pimply-faced 20-year-old math nerd who worked as a dietary aid at a nursing home a mile from his parent’s house, and he’d never been in trouble in his life until he shot the former president.

Investigative journalist George Webb found out that Thomas Crooks was enrolled and trained in a shooting program at a local gun club sponsored by Homeland Security who paid all of his fees. That sounds to me like a clue.

He also discovered that Trump’s shooter Thomas Crooks had encrypted messaging accounts in Belgium, Germany, and New Zealand, so what is going on, is this kid Ferris Beuller or American Ultra?

American Ultra Official Trailer #1 (2015)

Maybe they kept that information from the public because they were afraid they might think it was awful fishy that a snot-nosed kid living close to the Trump venue had received 43 shooting lessons or sniper training sessions with Homeland Security Snipers.

Local cops, including Beaver County Deputies, also shoot at the range and work occasionally with DHS, were likely familiar with Crooks who started his training there a year ago. It certainly sounds like young Mr Crooks was being groomed for something. doesn’t it? That feels like another clue.

It then was revealed that Homeland Security agents were used for Trump’s security detail that day because why, they were short of Secret Service agents agents? Everything about this when you break it down was a disaster and the incompetence from the top down is astounding. Why haven’t we heard more about that from this clueless administration? It’s tough to tell if Biden was involved, idiocy looks a lot like complicity from here. Another clue.

See this: – 3 min

Why would they conclude that there was only one shooter before the investigation even began? If he had no ID on him, how did they know his name within 2 hours of the shooting? Why did they dismiss the notion he used a drone when they must have known he’d used one? Everything we’ve seen from the media or this incompetent administration smells like a cover-up. This video is must watch:

They finally admitted that Crooks was using a drone in the hours leading up to the shooting, but that wouldn’t necessarily cause concern if everyone in law enforcement thought he was with the counter sniper team in the building behind him. Is that why they ignored the people who kept pointing him out?

Is that how he was able to move around so freely? And what about the Beaver County sniper James Woods, who announced that his shift was ending and he was leaving? Woods left his position at 4:30 in the building overlooking the roof that Crooks would later fire from. How could his shift end right before the former president took the stage? Clue? Oh yeah!

it turns out, they knew that Thomas Matthew Crooks was in firing position an hour and a half before Donald Trump took the stage. Why is this not being investigated as an inside job?

Congress has yet to start its investigation as they took a 30-day vacation right after the shooting. The Congressional committee they assembled will not include the three Congressmen with sniper experience in special forces. It doesn’t sound like they really want to find the culprits.

From The New York Times about Sniper Woods’s early exit:

“Nearly 100 minutes before former President Donald Trump took the stage in Butler, Pennsylvania, a local countersniper who was part of a broader security team told his colleagues that his shift was ending. “Guys, I’m leaving. Be careful,” he wrote to a group of colleagues at 16:19 on July 13. He exited the second floor of the warehouse, which overlooked the election rally site, leaving two other counter-snipers behind”

Webb says: “DHS has said they didn’t PUT UP a drone. They didn’t say a DHS contractor like Beaver County Sheriff Tony Guy’s company didn’t contract for the work. We know Beaver County Deputies were contracted by DHS for counter-sniper activities. Wouldn’t that include RangeFinding and target identification? How do they know the exact minutes Crooks droned from 3:50 to 4:01 if it wasn’t their drone? If they detected the illegal drone, why didn’t they tell anyone?”

The media has reported the shooter rode a bike to the rally, & also that a Hyundai belonging to the shooter was found, & later that a white van belonging to the shooter was towed. Was all of this misdirection planned?

They found Crook’s car, a Hyundai Sonata, parked in front of a nursery, Brenkle’s Greenhouse, that night. How did they find his car so quickly, when it was legally parked, unless they knew what they were looking for? The shooter had no ID on him or in his backpack, did they already know him and the type of car he drove, from their association at Clairton Sportsmen’s Gun Club?

The van had Arizona tags and belonged to Matthew Yearick, a well-known violent Antifa Thug and not the mild-mannered Crooks, the former math nerd who had never been in trouble until he shot Trump. The van was parked on a street near the rally. How did the cops know the van was there? A bomb-sniffing search dog led them to it. Is Matthew Yearick an Antifa bombmaker? He’s currently on the run, whereabouts unknown.

A short video on the van:

3 more very important short videos by investigative journalist George Webb about a possible 2nd shooter, Beaver County Sheriff Tony Guy’s whereabouts in the hour or so leading up to the shooting, and did Sheriff Guy have any interaction with the shooter in training, or was he involved in recruiting Crooks? I’ve heard that Beaver County law enforcement is known to be “super shady”. 1:37 2:12

I’ve said this assassination attempt was like a classic Gladio operation & Investigative journalist George Webb thinks so too. When he talks about Antifa bombing trains in the 60s he’s talking about NATO & CIA Gladio operatives who were fomenting terror & fear among the citizens in Europe, blaming these violent attacks on Communist groups or other terrorist groups operating in Europe at the time. These were US-sanctioned CIA terror attacks!

Scaring us is something our controllers feel the need to do from time to time to keep the public’s fear level elevated in order to pass new oppressive legislation they assure us will keep us safer It’s a deep-state protection racket!

This event used teams of shooters & spotters, some uniformed and others not, some Secret Service some Beaver County Sheriffs, and Butler County Sheriffs had officers on the grounds. It was a Butler County deputy who climbed up to get a look at the shooter. Did one of these men groom Crooks to be there? Who recruited a local patsy at the gun club where he was enrolled in a shooting program paid for by Homeland Security, who we are now told made up most of Trump’s protection detail that day and not the Secret Service.

Ken Silva at Headline News reported That the Local Beaver County Sheriff Sniper Greg Nicol, Who Lost Thomas Crooks the day of the shooting, Shot Himself 7 Months Ago. ‘His firearm accidentally discharged in the process, in what is being described as a “freak accident”.

Nicol’s identity was first reported on July 16 by a local publication, the Beaver Countian, which also broke the news in January about Nicol shooting himself in the leg. ABC revealed that Nicol’s wife was one of, if not the first medics to respond to Crooks’s dead body Hmm…

Did Officer Nicol or his wife know Thomas Crooks before that day from the gun club, or did he instruct him or have anything to do with his rifle training, finally, was it Nicol who gave Crooks access? That’s the only thing that makes sense, there had to be an inside guy.

Is Maxwell Yearick part of the violent wing of Antifa, and other Marxist groups who are now doing sniper training, and training bomb makers for the coming chaos? Webb says it’s not Iran that is involved in this plot, it is Pakistan’s intelligence service the ISI. A Pakistani was recently arrested in the case but little else is known about him. See this: – 2 min

This local kid they recruited was probably told his job would be as a spotter, knowing he would become the focus after the shots started flying and first to take the Secret Service or counter-sniper fire, along with all the blame, while the others slipped away to a waiting car.

Here George Webb talks about Crooks’s foreign encrypted accounts, NATO Metadata, Pakistan, & more.- 2:37

The Gladio operatives testified that they were allowed to get away by the police & if they were arrested by an officer who was not in on the operation they were simply let go at a later time. It looks like the people who were supposed to get away from Butler PA, got away!

This absurd narrative of Trump’s assassination attempt and the lack of an investigation, are really unbelievable and damning. The amateurish attempt to protect Trump, the clownish excuses, the roof was too steep, the communication devices weren’t on the same channel, this is Keystone Cops territory. Why isn’t the media asking about the progress of the investigation? There appears to be a complete blackout in the media which is embarrassing for everyone involved as the utter incompetence of this administration is exposed again.

Susan Crabtree from Real Clear Wire has reported this week that the Secret Service has finally put several agents from the Pittsburg field office, who worked the Butler Pennsylvania rally, on administrative leave. Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino recently said, “My Secret Service colleagues I worked with, where nothing like this ever happened at our advances, are horrified at Ron Rowe, I’m ashamed at what this agency has become.”

This day in history will be sanitized and written in our history books for future generations to be brainwashed with bullshit just like we do every year when JFK’s assassination rolls around and they are still pushing the “Lone Gunman” theory on the Common Core kids.

The polls have been rigged to create a false narrative to enable an election theft. If they are unable to steal the election, then what? Will corrupt Judge Merchan sentence Trump to prison over bogus clerical errors? These people are ruthless and have been saying for a while that they will do everything they can to keep Trump from office. Antifa will be unleashed like we’ve never seen before if Trump wins.

Watch lunatic Jewish Congressman, and Communist Jamie Raskin who is doing everything he can to dismantle the Constitution and is calling for the 14th amendment to be used to keep Trump from the Oval Office. The 14th Amendment was used after the Civil War to round up traitors. See him here:

Like Jan 6th these well-paid anarchists will be financed by left-wing billionaires who will use violent Marxists and trained agent provocateurs to violently protest and cause mayhem in our cities. This is the New World Order’s attempt at total control and they will use another fraudulent virus or flu to lock us down if they can.

*Saw this: If you want to be shocked and amazed – watch both Day of The Jackal 1973 and the remake 1996. They both are so eerily similar to the Trump assassination attempt- it is unbelievable.

Also See:

*Operation Gladio and The False Flag Muslim Terror Hoax

George Webb’s Substack –

George Webb’s Twitter/X – @RealGeorgeWebb1

Biden’s Four-Pronged Attack On America: Domestic, Economic, Foreign Policy, And Corruption

*Global Warming And Other Government Lies

*911: The Official Narrative Is Dying

0-150x150-1-1-1-1.webpPatrick J. McShay is a writer, researcher, and activist whose articles have appeared on over 200 news sites around the world. Mr. McShay is a retired mortgage broker and uncredentialed historian specializing in real history and uncomfortable truths. He has appeared on the Power Of Prophecy Podcast with Jerry Barrett, the Chuck Baldwin Show, the Jeff Rense Show, the Raw Deal with Jim Fetzer, TNT Radio with Joe Olson, and the SGT Report. His articles have been translated into over a dozen languages including French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Polish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Dutch.

Additional sources


Find George Webb on Twitter/X – @RealGeorgeWebb1

Find Patrick J. McShay on Twitter/X – @j_mcshay