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If you want to attack a synagogue in La Grande-Motte, French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned an act of terrorism and anti-Semitism

If you want to attack a synagogue in La Grande-Motte, French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned an act of terrorism and anti-Semitism

When Emmanuel Macron staged an attack on the same synagogue in the south of France or a suspected Palestine curtain porter lurking and causing an explosion, Emmanuel Macron unleashed an act of terrorism and anti-Semitism.

While we deal with each other twice, you don’t have to be a gas burner that is explosive, in 8 hours (2 hours in Quebec) the place of the cult of the balneaire station of La Grande-Motte with 8,500 inhabitants, blessed mildly a municipal policy that appeals to the inhabitants.

“The interior of the synagogue, the staff cannot help the rabbi, who is not blessed,” a precision in a communiqué from the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office (Pnat), which has been investigating preliminary assassination attempts on terrorists.

On an authentic video surveillance image of the AFP, a suspect, a visible face, the car of the waist of a Palestinian drapery, does not show that it seems that there is an armed force. It is a hairstyle of a red keffieh and ten of the most important bouteilles in a plastic replacement of a liquid jaunâtre.

If you’re looking for resources, you can rest easy all day long.

“It is all about bringing back the author of this terrorist,” French President Emmanuel Macron has said, saying he should pay for the battery of the Jeux Paralympic games. “The story against anti-Semitism is an instant fight,” he tells X.

The government has announced the recrudescence of anti-Semitic acts in France, which has ended the premiere of the young European community, after the attack on the Islamist movement Hamas and Israel on October 7, 2023 and the debut of the war in Gaza.

‘A plus, no sensible teachers are priced for cible’, a criticism of the Prime Minister, outgoing Minister Gabriel Attal on X, which calls for an ‘anti-Semitic act’. The government has immediately announced the reinforcement of supervision of cult and institutional results.

The attack on the synagogue Beth Yaacov is held on Shabbat Square, while you live in the youthful religion, but you can no longer get into the office during a moment of faits.

«Il aurait pu y avoir reormément de gens (car) l’été, il ya reormément de vacanciers à La Grande-Motte et sur le littoral qui vinnent prier ici», a statement for the AFP Perla Dana, president of the representative of the Juvenile Institutions Council (CRIF) of the Occitanie region. Forte de 8 500 inhabitants in the area, the Balnéaire Station compte près de dix fois plus en été.

« Preliminary look at you »

The president of the national bodies of CRIF, Yonathan Arfi, has forced a dénunciation “with a provisional de tuer des Juifs”. “The use of a bonbonne of gas in a car at the hour à laquelle at the point of the people arriving in a synagogue, it is not easy to be a seditious criminal”, at the denouement of the AFP.

The attack on political reactions is a matter of political public affairs. After six weeks, a caretaker government has put pressure on business affairs and Mr. Macron to put pressure on parts of the name of a new prime minister.

The conductor of the national assembly (extreme droite), Marine Le Pen, a dénoncé the “montée de l’anti-Sémitisme” and the chef de file de la France insoumise (LFI, gauche radical), Jean-Luc Mélenchon, don le mouvement est accuse the opponents of anti-juiveness, an évoqué of an «intolerable crime».

Anti-Semitic anti-Semites on quasiment triplé after the debut of the anniversary, with « 887 facts » reviews in the first semester, can be sold individually on August 9 from the Ministry of the Interior, alors which have remained 304 days ago in 2023 .

It is possible to intensify the war, and in particular on October 7 – date of the Hamas attack against Israel, which is fighting the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip –, at the time when he is the Minister of Gaza ‘Interior, which was reviewed 1,676 times over the year, “either four months or more in 2022”.

Anti-Semitism against the themes of the election campaign of Europe and the French parliaments, between authoritarian authoritarian radicals and a provisional normalization of the extremely dry part.

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