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End of Hoaxes – Kunstler

End of Hoaxes – Kunstler

Clusterfuck nation

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“The entire Democratic campaign is now going to be focused on gaslighting the country into believing that Trump has been president for the last 4 years and Kamala has been an innocent bystander the whole time. They can’t run on her record, so they’re going to make one up and lie about it.” — Sean Davis, The Federalist


Listen up: There is one thing, one lingering terror, behind every false and desperate move the Democratic Party has made in this terrible election cycle: the fear that hundreds of high-ranking officials might have to pay for their crimes of the past few years if they lose on November 5. That is why they lie about everything, work so hard to construct false narratives, and struggle to erase the memory of Joe Biden’s ruinous term in power.

Of course, they can’t talk about it. It’s like the darkest secret in a devastated human soul that has lost itself in mental illness, a kind of abscess of shame and guilt sealed away in the mind’s attempt to protect itself—like the memory of incest or an unsolved family murder—which explains the rich display of various insanities that were actually highlighted at this year’s Democratic Convention, their Cluster B personality disorder freak show. It’s a tortured, guilt-ridden collective mind leaking clues to its own disordered humiliation.

So, the deed is done. The odious “Joe Biden” fake president is dumped into the ditch of history and a mighty operation is set up to install Vice President Kamala Harris, who ignored “JB’s” inability to lead the US government for four years, performing no duties, hiding from the public, not responding to anything, going nowhere, aided by a treacherous news media that wanted to hide her while she drank away the months in the old Naval Observatory.

The conventions are over and the battle is on. Have you heard enough of their phony war cry: “Defend our democracy?” From a party that has tortured the law to imprison and silence its critics and remove its challengers from every ballot. The pretense is perfect. Their “democracy” is in fact a colossal “spoils” system — to the victor goes the spoils! — a grotesque political machine that funnels trillions of federal dollars to their client constituencies, and especially to the non-profits and NGOs that form a sinister secondary bureaucracy that is accountable to no one. And all this with the direct knowledge of the federal intelligence community that wages war on everyone outside this matrix of depravity. And by the way, the money is gone. Trillions of it. And there is nothing to show for it.

This is what Mr. Trump is against and has been fighting since 2016. No wonder he wants to be put in jail or killed. It is a powerful enemy because it holds the power, specifically the federal, state and district attorneys appointed by the Democrats’ top “influencer,” the NGO empire of George and Alex Soros. And the big picture includes the monumental crime against our country — against all countries of Western civilization, really — namely the Covid-19 operation that left millions disabled or dead from a fake, toxic “vaccine.”

And now we hear—as I write this on Friday morning, hours before any official announcement—that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is about to suspend his campaign, hampered by the Democratic Party’s preoccupation with “defending our democracy,” and perhaps throw his support behind Donald Trump to defeat this mafia of the mentally ill. I hope he does. And I hope he denounces the party of his forebears in the most vividly reprehensible terms possible, so that no one can misunderstand the gravity of what is happening.

I also look forward to Mr. Kennedy playing a major role in the second Trump administration. Mr. Kennedy probably knows better than anyone in America how the massive drug industry racketeering operation was set up to graft onto the U.S. public health agencies, the FDA, CDC, NIAID and others. This monster that has killed and injured so many Americans, and destroyed the health of the nation’s youth in particular, must be killed. It must be dismantled and its components rebuilt into institutions that actually serve the public. This includes the hospital holding companies, the private equity pirates bent on gutting medicine, the insurance-driven, over-inflated doctor’s offices, and the mendacious medical boards, professional associations and journals that unfairly punished dissident doctors and nurses who tried to oppose the extrajudicial Covid-19 vaccination mandates.

If Mr. Kennedy does end up joining forces with Mr. Trump, it could be a major turning point in an election that has so far been marred by Democratic Party hoaxes, coups and lawfare operations. Of course, The New York Times ran the story this morning in a small headline below the fold, without mentioning the rumors of a stunning alliance between the Kennedy and Trump campaigns.

We await Judge Juan Merchan’s sentencing hearing on September 18th in the Alvin Bragg false accounting error (“34 felonies”) that threatens to put Mr. Trump in a Riker’s Island jail cell. I’d like to see them try. I’d like to see Mr. Kennedy tell the readers of The New York Times and CNN viewers how it all worked. Those news outlets, in turn, will not be able to ignore the fact that “X” (Twitter) has become the dominant news source for Americans, a platform that the old news organizations have no control over and may not be able to ignore.

Mr. Kennedy has the chance to elevate the argument against the now-degraded party of his father and uncle, which has strangely become a national wrecking crew. He has the ability to remind the voting public exactly what went wrong, in language that will not be misunderstood or twisted, and to work with Mr. Trump to point a way back to a country worth caring about.

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