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Court proceedings detail deadly Madison Valley carjacking, including suspect’s Summit Ave address

Court proceedings detail deadly Madison Valley carjacking, including suspect’s Summit Ave address

The King County Superior Court found probable cause to detain on Thursday Jahmed Haynes sentenced to prison for first-degree murder and first-degree animal cruelty in Tuesday’s deadly carjacking in Madison Valley.

80 year old dog walker Ruth Dalton was dragged and killed in the incident. Dalton’s dog was also stabbed to death. Police said witnesses tried to intervene to stop the attack, including one man who tried to stop the carjacking with only a baseball bat.

Court proceedings detail deadly Madison Valley carjacking, including suspect’s Summit Ave address

According to police records in the case, Haynes was arrested Wednesday after being tracked down by police at the corner of 15th and Pine, just a few blocks from his residence in a weekday hotel on Summit Ave.

According to police, Haynes also had fresh stitches in his hands when he was arrested.

CHS reported Wednesday’s arrest here. Police said they found Haynes’ fingerprint on the victim’s phone in her Subaru Forester, and that a bloody knife and the victim’s key fob were found on the suspect. A witness told police they saw a man matching Haynes’ description at the park where Dalton’s car was dumped and her dog was stabbed to death. Haynes wears a prosthetic leg that makes him easy to identify.

Police also have photographic evidence from the area around the carjacking.

The King County Prosecutor’s Office says it expects to make a decision on charges in the case Monday. A hearing to set Haynes’ bail is scheduled for Friday.

At a press conference announcing his arrest, police said Haynes was an eight-time convicted felon with a history of mental health problems.

Prosecutors said Thursday that the 48-year-old had not been involved in a serious crime in King County since a 1999 robbery.

According to the county, Haynes’ criminal record also includes a 1993 conviction for manslaughter in a traffic accident.

(Image: CHS)

His criminal record for offenses in the city also dates back more than 25 years.

Police said Dalton was driving for her job as a dog walker when the attack occurred Tuesday morning. The client’s dogs were in the vehicle when it was stolen, and witnesses described several dogs running loose on the street after the carjacking, police said. Those dogs were reunited with their owners.

Neighbors and nearby businesses remembered Dalton with a memorial service of flowers, cards and messages near the spot where she was killed at MLK and Harrison.

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