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What is conditional formatting in Excel?

What is conditional formatting in Excel?


Conditional formatting in Excel is more than just a feature—it’s a powerful tool that transforms the way you work with data. Whether you’re managing a simple budget or analyzing complex data sets, conditional formatting can help you highlight important trends, patterns, and outliers with just a few clicks. In this article, we’ll explore how you can use this feature to make your data more visually appealing and informative.

What is conditional formatting in Excel?


  1. Discover how conditional formatting in Excel turns raw data into visual insights, helping you spot trends and outliers.
  2. Learn how to use Excel’s conditional formatting rules to automatically highlight important data points with colors, icons, and data bars.
  3. Try applying custom conditional formatting using Excel formulas for more nuanced data analysis.
  4. Use conditional formatting to quickly identify best/worst performers and duplicate entries in large data sets.
  5. Get practical tips to maximize the impact of conditional formatting without cluttering your spreadsheets.
  6. Learn to apply conditional formatting to create visually appealing and informative spreadsheets that effectively tell data stories.

Conditional Formatting: An Overview

At its core, Conditional Formatting lets you apply specific formatting—such as colors, icons, or data bars—to cells based on the values ​​they contain. This automatic formatting is triggered by rules you define, making it easy to spot critical data points or trends without having to dig through numbers manually.

Also read: Microsoft Excel for data analysis

Highlight cells based on value

One of the simplest yet most effective uses of conditional formatting is to highlight cells based on their value. For example, if you want to quickly identify which sales figures exceed a certain threshold, conditional formatting can help you. Here’s how:

Here’s how to highlight cells based on values:

  1. Select the range

    Select the cells you want to format.conditional formatting

  2. Navigate to Conditional Formatting

    You can find the Conditional Formatting option on the Home tab under the Styles group.Conditional formatting

  3. Choose your rule

    Select ‘Highlight Cell Rules’ and then ‘Greater Than’. Then enter the threshold value and choose the formatting style you want.Conditional formatting

  4. Apply the formatting

    Click OK. Excel will then highlight the cells that meet your criteria.conditional formatting

Using formulas for custom formatting

Excel’s flexibility shines when you use formulas to apply conditional formatting. This allows for more nuanced and customized rules. For example, you might want to highlight cells based on a condition that isn’t simply a comparison to a static value, such as highlighting sales that are higher than the previous month’s average.

  1. Select your range: Highlight the cells you want to format.
Using formulas for custom formatting
  1. Create a new line: From the Conditional Formatting menu, select ‘New Rule’ and choose ‘Use a formula to determine which cells to format’.
Using formulas for custom formatting
  1. Enter the formula: Enter your formula. The result must be TRUE or FALSE.
Using formulas for custom formatting
  1. Select a size: Choose how the cells should be displayed when the condition is met.
  1. To apply: Click OK to see the changes in your spreadsheet.
Using formulas for custom formatting

Also read: A comprehensive guide to advanced Microsoft Excel for data analysis.

Emphasizing Extremes: Top/Bottom Rules

Conditional formatting also lets you focus on the highest and lowest values ​​in a data set, for example to identify the top 10 best performing products or the top 5 worst sales figures.

  • Select your data range: Highlight the relevant cells.
Top/bottom rules
  • Access conditional formatting: Go to Conditional Formatting > Top/Bottom Rules.
  • Set the parameters: Select whether to highlight the top or bottom values ​​and specify the number of items.
  • Complete the formatting: Select the desired formatting style and apply the rule.
Top/bottom rules

Similarly, identifying duplicate entries is crucial in large datasets. Conditional Formatting can quickly flag duplicates, helping you maintain data accuracy.

  • Select the range: Select the cells you want to check for duplicates.
  • Select the Duplicate Values ​​line: Under the Conditional Formatting menu, select the options ‘Highlight Cell Rules’ and ‘Duplicate Values’.
  • Apply formatting: Select the formatting style and click OK.

Tips for Effectively Using Conditional Formatting in Excel

Here are the tips:

  1. Start simple: Start with basic rules like highlighting values ​​that are greater or less than a certain number. This will help you get familiar with how Conditional Formatting works.
  2. Use cell references for flexibility: Instead of using static values ​​in your conditional formatting rules, you reference another cell. This allows you to change the criteria by simply updating the reference cell.
  3. Use formulas for custom rules: Excel’s formula-based conditional formatting lets you create highly customized rules. Make sure your formula returns a TRUE or FALSE value for the formatting to be applied correctly.
  4. Combine multiple rules: Feel free to apply multiple conditional formatting rules to the same range of cells. For example, you can use both color scales and icon sets to provide different layers of data insight.
  5. Check and manage the rules regularly: As you add more conditional formatting, review and manage your rules to avoid conflicts or overly complex settings. Use the Manage Rules option to edit or delete rules as needed.
  6. Prioritize rules: When you apply multiple rules, remember that Excel prioritizes them in the order they appear. You can change the priority by moving rules up or down in the Manage Rules dialog box.
  7. Use Preview to your advantage: Before you apply conditional formatting, use the preview feature to see how your data will look. This will help you adjust the settings for the best visual result.
  8. Avoid formatting overload: Although Conditional Formatting is powerful, too much formatting can overwhelm your spreadsheet and make it difficult to read. Use formatting sparingly to ensure clarity.
  9. Experiment with custom sizes: Excel lets you create custom formatting styles (for example, specific colors or font styles) in Conditional Formatting. This is especially useful for maintaining a consistent look across your spreadsheets.
  10. Clear formatting if necessary: If your data changes significantly, clear the old formatting rules to start over. This prevents outdated rules from being incorrectly applied to new data.


Conditional formatting in Excel isn’t just a handy feature—it’s a game-changer for anyone who works with data. Using this tool, you can transform a simple spreadsheet into a dynamic, visually compelling report that highlights key insights and trends at a glance. Whether you’re a data novice or a seasoned analyst, mastering conditional formatting will improve your ability to effectively communicate data-driven stories. So, the next time you use Excel, don’t just look at the numbers—let conditional formatting help you see the bigger picture.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1. What is conditional formatting?

Ans. Conditional formatting in Excel lets you apply specific formatting to cells based on their values, such as highlighting, color scales, or icon sets.

Question 2. How do I apply conditional formatting?

Ans. Select the cells, go to the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting, choose a rule and configure it as desired.

Q3. Can I use formulas with conditional formatting?

Ans. Yes, you can use formulas to create custom conditional formatting rules by selecting “Use a formula to determine which cells to format.”

Question 4. How do I remove conditional formatting?

Ans. Select the cells, go to “Conditional Formatting” on the “Home” tab and choose “Clear Rules” to remove the formatting.